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Add API Products as Provider

As a Provider organization, an API product is a fundamental concept in the Developer Portal because it represents an API that you offer. When creating an API, you can store the name and a short description of what it does.

In addition to these basic properties, an API in the Developer Portal can also have several other components:

  • API documentation: Here you can provide detailed technical documentation for your API, including its use, any required parameters and possible error codes (we currently support the OpenAPI format).
  • Security: Here you can store the authentication mechanisms that consumers must use to access your API.
  • Plans & Subscriptions: A plan can group or summarize the services/benefits of an API and be offered to Customers.
  • Downloads: Here you can provide more information for your API to the Customers.

By defining all these components, you can create a well-documented, secure and easy-to-use API products for Customers.

Overview API

Add new API

How to add a new API in the Developer Portal:

  1. log in to the Developer Portal.
  2. click on the "Add API" button, which is usually located on the API overview page.
  3. fill in the required fields for the API.
  4. add additional documentation files such as instructions for use or reference documents in the "Documentation" section. Tag the selected Readme file or OpenAPI file.
  5. select the visual identity of the API.
  6. set the visibility of the API to public or private in the "Visibility" area. If you select "private", you can invite certain Customers to access the API.
  7. save the API details and invite Customers to whom you want to grant access to the API.
  8. create plans to group the services of your API.
  9. publish the API.