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Search products

Returns products filtered by query parameters. The result will contain all matching public products from all providers and also all private product for which the caller is authorized to read.

Query Parameters
includePrivate boolean

include private products

includePublic boolean

include public products

providerId string

include provider specific products only

q string

query string will be searched in product name, description, detailedDescription and organization name

sort string

Sort results by parameter and ASC | DESC. e.g. 'name DESC'

Example (Sort by product publiclyAvailable DESC): publiclyAvailable DESC

Example (Sort by product name ASC): name ASC

Example (Sort by product publiclyAvailable ASC): publiclyAvailable ASC

Example (Sort by product name DESC): name DESC

Example (Sort by product createdAt ASC): createdAt ASC

Example (Sort by product createdAt DESC): createdAt DESC

Header Parameters
organization-id uuid

ID of organization context this request belongs to.


List of products

products object[] OPTIONAL
accessDefinitionId uuid OPTIONAL
colour string OPTIONAL
createdAt date-time OPTIONAL
createdBy uuid OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
detailedDescription string OPTIONAL
id uuid OPTIONAL
name string OPTIONAL
organization object OPTIONAL
email string OPTIONAL
id uuid OPTIONAL
name string OPTIONAL
provider boolean OPTIONAL
active boolean OPTIONAL
organizationId uuid OPTIONAL

Use: organization.id

organizationName string OPTIONAL

Use: organization.name

plans object[] OPTIONAL
createdAt date-time OPTIONAL
createdBy uuid OPTIONAL
deleted boolean OPTIONAL
description string OPTIONAL
id uuid OPTIONAL
name string OPTIONAL
planType string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [STATIC, DYNAMIC]

productId uuid OPTIONAL
updatedAt date-time OPTIONAL
updatedBy uuid OPTIONAL
validity object OPTIONAL
validFrom date-time OPTIONAL
validUntil date-time OPTIONAL
version string OPTIONAL
productStatus string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [DRAFT, PUBLISHED]

publiclyAvailable boolean OPTIONAL
supportMultiplePlans boolean OPTIONAL

Bad Request (e.g. element not found or resource conflict).

message string OPTIONAL
timestamp date-time OPTIONAL
traceId string OPTIONAL
type string OPTIONAL

Missing permission

message string OPTIONAL
timestamp date-time OPTIONAL
traceId string OPTIONAL
type string OPTIONAL

Internal server error (Internal service communication or process error).

message string OPTIONAL
timestamp date-time OPTIONAL
traceId string OPTIONAL
type string OPTIONAL