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Changelog - Developer Portal

[FE-1.0.0-2941 / BE-1.2.1-3476] - 2024-09-24 (PREP)/2024-09-26 (Prod)

General Comments

Refactor internal software architecture and implementing multitenancy.


  • #DEVPO-2898 - Manage links to products
  • #DEVPO-3323 - UI: Manage links to products
  • #DEVPO-3259 - Introduce tenant admin role
  • #DEVPO-3251 - UI: User role context switch
  • #DEVPO-3320 - Upload market partner logo
  • #DEVPO-3291 - UI: Upload market partner logo


  • #DEVPO-3328 - Refactor internal software architecture
  • #DEVPO-3355 - Resolve tenant with host and port


  • #DEVPO-3336 - Authorization context in user details response



  • #DEVPO-3361 - Update dependencies and spring-boot to version 3.3.4

[FE-1.0.0-2919 / BE-1.2.1-3429] - 2024-09-02 (PREP)/2024-09-05 (Prod)

General Comments

Refactor internal software architecture and implementing multitenancy.


  • #DEVPO-3318 Refactor internal software architecture
  • #DEVPO-3202 - UI: Add tenant console to sidebar
  • #DEVPO-3203 - UI: Add page for tenant settings
  • #DEVPO-3205 - UI: Add tenant page for provider management
  • #DEVPO-3206 - UI: Add provider to tenant
  • #DEVPO-3207 - UI: Console page for tenants added
  • #DEVPO-3292 - UI: Add Legal information page to tenant console


  • #DEVPO-3209 - UI: Update onboarding process for consumer
  • #DEVPO-3280 - UI:Integrate new version for API and APP icon
  • #DEVPO-3281 - UI: Color adjustments to modal dialogs
  • #DEVPO-3282 - UI: Adapt font formats to the new standard
  • #DEVPO-3283 - UI: Generic color system integrated
  • #DEVPO-3278 - Add tenant membership to user self-endpoint


  • #DEVPO-3321 - UI: svg is not rendered after build



  • #DEVPO-3332 - Update dependencies and spring-boot to version 3.3.3

[FE-1.0.0-2844 / BE-1.2.1-3398] - 2024-08-07 (PREP)/2024-08-08 (Prod)

General Comments

Refactor internal software architecture and implementing multitenancy.


  • #DEVPO-3210 - Add tenant-id to logging
  • #DEVPO-3257 - Create wallis-tenant
  • #DEVPO-3227 - Implement application-side tenant separation
  • #DEVPO-3219 - Add interface for user data disclosure
    • GET /tenants/{id}/user-data-disclosure | Fetch user data
  • #DEVPO-3232 - UI: Read tenant configuration for authentication


  • #DEVPO-3144 - Refactor internal software architecture
  • #DEVPO-3234 - Make product interfaces public for unauthenticated users
  • #DEVPO-3264 - Extending approval status for terminations (IN_TERMINATION_CONFIRMED, TERMINATED_CONFIRMED)
  • #DEVPO-3245 - Activate public marketplace


  • #DEVPO-3303 - Missing access status on App
  • #DEVPO-3295 - Missing permissions on files
  • #DEVPO-3301 - Missing permissions for organization after invitation
  • #DEVPO-3270 - Product default is not draft
  • #DEVPO-3296 - UI: After App creation, message "Access blocked" appears
  • #DEVPO-3305 - UI: Markdown code "Copy" difficult to read



  • #DEVPO-3275 - Update dependencies and spring-boot to version 3.3.1
  • #DEVPO-3248 - UI: Update dependencies and upgrade versions

[FE-1.0.0-2808 / BE-1.2.1-3329] - 2024-07-09 (PREP)/2024-07-10 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Refactor internal software architecture and small amendments.
  • UI: Fix some design bugs


  • #DEVPO-3224 Create / read / update tenant



  • #DEVPO-2953 - UI: long business case text fixed
  • #DEVPO-3238 - UI: change bundle contact fixed
  • #DEVPO-3216 - Endpoint delivers connected products to unauthorized users



[BE-1.2.1-3299] - 2024-06-27 (PREP)/2024-06-28 (Prod)

General Comments

Hotfix for update Bundles.



  • #DEVPO-3185 - Refactor internal software architecture


  • #DEVPO-3221 - Bundle with access cannot be saved



[FE-1.0.0-2761 / BE-1.2.1-3290] - 2024-06-25 (PREP)/2024-06-26 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Refactor internal software architecture and small amendments.


  • #DEVPO-3175 - UI: Prepared for dynamic theming


  • #DEVPO-3184, #DEVPO-3183 - Refactor internal software architecture
  • #DEVPO-3194 - Removed interfaces in version 2 and added new one
    • GET /organizations/consumers#2 | removed (Version 2)
    • GET /organizations/providers#2 | removed (Version 2)
    • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/relations | added - Fetch related organizations with search, sorting and filtering


  • #DEVPO-2949 - UI: Fix provider marketplace dashboard teaser
  • #DEVPO-3189 - UI: Fix canceling team responsibility creation
  • #DEVPO-3187 - Hide technical users for GET /users


  • #DEVPO-3067 - Remove deprecated code


[FE-1.0.0-2708 / BE-1.2.1-3264] - 2024-06-11 (PREP)/2024-06-12 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Refactor internal software architecture and small amendments.



  • #DEVPO-2222 - Uniform naming for invitations
  • #DEVPO-3060 - Refactor internal software architecture
  • #DEVPO-3101 – UI: Assignments is now invitations
  • #DEVPO-3138 - UI: Link to new documentation from the consumer/provider dashboard


  • #DEVPO-3167 - Swagger UI does not send query parameters for versioned endpoints
  • #DEVPO-2121 - Change the user roles/teams within an organization
  • #DEVPO-3141 - UI: Adapt consumer views to design
  • #DEVPO-3140 - UI: Adapt provider views to design
  • #DEVPO-3137 - UI: Cleanup fonts
  • #DEVPO-2907 - UI: Cleanup searchbars



[FE-1.0.0-2666 / BE-1.2.0-3215] - 2024-05-28 (PREP)/2024-05-29 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Refactor internal software architecture and small amendments.


  • #DEVPO-3129 - New Filter to get relation between provider and consumer
    • GET /organizations/consumers#2 | Returns organizations which are consumers from a provider organization (Version 2).
    • GET /organizations/providers#2 | Returns organizations which provide products to the given consumer organizations (Version 2)


  • #DEVPO-3063 - Refactor internal software architecture
  • #DEVPO-3156 - UI: Refactoring status types
  • #DEVPO-3145 - UI: Update icon sets from design


  • #DEVPO-3079 - UI: Adjust feedback from copy Access-Key
  • #DEVPO-3155 - UI: Access definition validation



[FE-1.0.0-2624 / BE-1.2.0-3193] - 2024-05-13 (PREP)/2024-05-14 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Refactor internal software architecture, update wording and small amendments.



  • #DEVPO-3123 - Refactor internal software architecture
  • #DEVPO-2086 - UI: Update Wording
  • #DEVPO-2916 - UI: Sort accesses to apps


  • #DEVPO-3120 - Wrong e-mail recipient when canceling a subscription
  • #DEVPO-3121 - UI: Product "created on" not visible



  • #DEVPO-3110 - Update dependencies and spring-boot to version 3.2.5
  • #DEVPO-3109 - Upgrade auth.wallis (Keycloak) to Version 24.0.3

[FE-1.0.0-2575 / BE-1.2.0-3163] - 2024-04-24 (PREP)/2024-04-25 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Refactor internal software architecture and small amendments.


  • #DEVPO-3031 - Add relations between organizations
  • #DEVPO-3052 - UI: Delete terminated bundle


  • #DEVPO-2940 - Delete terminated bundles
    • DELETE /bundles/{bundleId} | Delete only a bundle for an organization, which has the status draft or terminated.
  • #DEVPO-3068 - Refactor internal software architecture




[FE-1.0.0-2557 / BE-1.2.0-3109] - 2024-04-10 (PREP)/2024-04-11 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Refactoring of product creation process and bug fixing.


  • #DEVPO-2492 - Get last created files of an organization
    • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/file-exchange/recently-created | Returns last created files
  • #DEVPO-2828 - UI: Added direct link to bundles from provider dashboard "User Requests"


  • #DEVPO-2984 - Add assignment response to accept invitation
    • POST /assignments/{assignmentId}/accept | Accept invitation
  • #DEVPO-2572 - Use Keycloak Service Account with least privileges
  • #DEVPO-2603 - UI: Update product overview page
  • #DEVPO-2808 - UI: Refactored product creation process


  • #DEVPO-2967 - Technical user can add contacts to a bundle
  • #DEVPO-3047 - UI: Only accepted invitations should show as active



  • #DEVPO-3010 - Dependency updates
  • #DEVPO-3055 - Update dependencies and spring-boot to version 3.2.4

[FE-1.0.0-2500 / BE-1.2.0-3077] - 2024-03-19 (PREP)/2024-03-20 (Prod)

General Comments

  • Approved Bundles can be terminated and bug fixing.


  • #DEVPO-2939 - Approved Bundles can be terminated by the Consumer & Provider
    • PATCH /bundles/{bundleId}/cancel | Cancel bundle
    • PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/approve | Approve subscription
    • PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/process | Starts subscription review
    • PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/reject | Reject subscription
    • PATCH /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/cancel | Cancel subscription
  • #DEVPO-2987 - Send e-mail notification when bundles are terminated
  • #DEVPO-2837 - UI: Approved bundles can be canceled



  • #DEVPO-2970 - Deleted plans are available for consumers


  • #DEVPO-2939 - The POST endpoints have been replaced by PATCH endpoints.
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/approve | Approve subscription
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/process | Starts subscription review
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/reject | Reject subscription
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/terminates | Terminate subscription

[FE-1.0.0-2286 / BE-1.2.0-3046] - 2024-02-28 (PREP)/2024-02-29 (Prod)

General Comments

Fixing security policy violations and other bug fixing.


  • #DEVPO-2111 - Add generic filter method for all responses



  • #DEVPO-2966 - Fixing validation for icon path
  • #DEVPO-2968 - Product invitations from consumers prevented
  • #DEVPO-2951 - UI: Fixing product plan title
  • #DEVPO-2958 - UI: Fixing tooltips
  • #DEVPO-2943 - UI: Fixing success message to user for invitations
  • #DEVPO-2964 - UI: Fixing update plans



  • #DEVPO-2994 - Upgrade postgresql to version 42.7.2
    • Fixing CVE-2024-1597
  • #DEVPO-3002 - Update spring-boot to version 3.2.3
    • Fixing CVE-2024-22243

[FE-1.0.0-2240 / BE-1.2.0-3010] - 2024-02-19 (PREP)/2024-02-21 (Prod)

General Comments

The Bundle extension was introduced and the go-live-request was refactored.


  • #DEVPO-2755 - Add plans to approved bundles (extension of bundles)
  • #DEVPO-2719 - Send e-mail notification for updated dynamic products
  • #DEVPO-2638 - Add approval for business cases
  • #DEVPO-2793 - Set default access definition for new products
  • #DEVPO-2839 - Add and update organizations
    • POST /organizations | Creates an organization
    • PATCH /organizations/'{organizationId}' | Updates an organization
  • #DEVPO-2819 - Replace file content
    • PUT /organizations/file-exchange/files/{fileId}/content
    • PUT /products/documentations/files/{fileId}/content
  • #DEVPO-2696 - UI: Update plan on bundle detail page
  • #DEVPO-2781 - UI: Improve usability for filtering and sorting
  • #DEVPO-2622 - UI: Provider admin can manage plans


  • #DEVPO-2752 - Add a contact to a bundle from organization contacts via id
  • #DEVPO-2731 - Validate plans for go-live-request
  • #DEVPO-2877 - Add registration number to organizations response
  • #DEVPO-2844 - Simplify go-live-request (/bundles/{bundleId}/request)
    • POST /bundles/{bundleId}/request
  • #DEVPO-2724 - Rename bundle plans (abonnement) to subscription
    • POST /bundles/{bundleId}/subscriptions | Create subscription
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/approve | Approve subscription
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/process | Starts subscription review
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/reject | Reject subscription
    • POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/terminates | Terminate subscription
  • #DEVPO-2009 - Fetch products for provider moved to product endpoint
    • GET /products/provider/{providerId} | Deprecated
    • GET /products/self | Deprecated
    • GET /provider?providerId=[id] | Get provider products
  • #DEVPO-2529 - Refactor organization responses
  • #DEVPO-2557 - Refactor user self API
    • GET /users/self | Response with organization and user role
  • #DEVPO-2704 - UI: Refactor add business case to bundle
  • #DEVPO-2791 - UI: Allow only one access definition per access method
  • #DEVPO-2836 - UI: Update business case
  • #DEVPO-2840 - UI: Provider can manage bundle extensions
  • #DEVPO-2835 - UI: Refactor "My Organisation" overview
  • #DEVPO-2855 - UI: Refactor authentication user interface
  • #DEVPO-2797 - UI: Refactor accesses user interface
  • #DEVPO-2856 - UI: Refactor access definition assignment to products


  • #DEVPO-2807 - Fixing request-/update body for business case
  • #DEVPO-2833 - Fixing terminate of subscriptions (subscribed plans)
  • #DEVPO-2625 - Fixing product documentation download
  • #DEVPO-2861 - Fixing pending text on business case
  • #DEVPO-2821 - Add validation to text modul (business case fields)
  • #DEVPO-2868 - Fixing update of equal names for organizations
  • #DEVPO-2870 - Add e-mail validation for contacts and organizations
  • #DEVPO-2875 - Fixing e-mail notification for bundle access status change
  • #DEVPO-2783 - UI: Fixing marketplace product to bundle overlay
  • #DEVPO-2784 - UI: Fixing headline on access page
  • #DEVPO-2839 - UI: Rename address state to city
  • #DEVPO-2867 - UI: Fixing e-mail validation with uppercase


  • #DEVPO-2834 - Removed company name from organizations


  • #DEVPO-2763 - Update spring-boot to version 3.2.1 and dependencies
  • #DEVPO-2979 - Update spring-boot to version 3.2.2 and dependencies
  • #DEVPO-2727 - Update node.js to version 20 and dependencies

[FE-1.0.0-2035 / BE-1.2.0-2841] - 2023-12-18 (PREP)/2023-12-20 (Prod)

General Comments

The credential management feature was finished and abonnements can be created and approved.


  • #DEVPO-2617 - Manage approval for an abonnement
    • POST /bundles/{bundleId}/abonnements | Create an abonnement by adding product plans to a bundle
    • POST /abonnements/{aboId}/approve | Approves the abonnement
    • POST /abonnements/{aboId}/process | Starts abonnement review
    • POST /abonnements/{aboId}/reject | Rejects the abonnement
  • #DEVPO-2624 - UI: Add plans to bundles
  • #DEVPO-2619 - Add termination to an abonnement
    • POST /abonnements/{aboId}/terminates | Terminates the abonnement
  • #DEVPO-2626 - UI: Add abonnements on App detail page
  • #DEVPO-2709 - Delete dynamic plans
    • DELETE /plans/{planId} | Delete a plan
  • #DEVPO-2754 - Add descending sort order for approvals
  • #DEVPO-2744 - Add create interface for accesses
    • POST /accesses | Create new access from a access definition
  • #DEVPO-2732 - Add e-mail notification for access status change
  • #DEVPO-2729 - Add update for business cases
  • #DEVPO-2770 - Add ascending sort order for product names
  • #DEVPO-2639 - Add interface for bundles with open processes
    • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/open-bundle-process-items | Bundles with open processes
    • GET /bundle-processes/{organizationId} | Get bundle processes


  • #DEVPO-2664 - UI: Update app detail view
  • #DEVPO-2702 - UI: Create an empty bundle skeleton
  • #DEVPO-2725 - Eliminate downstream approval for bundles
  • #DEVPo-2742 - UI: Switched to current access definition for new created accesses
  • #DEVPO-2768 - Change to one access definition per access method
  • #DEVPO-2759 - UI: Preselection for current bundles
  • #DEVPO-2779 - UI: Update overlay for manual access exchange
  • #DEVPO-2737 - UI: Add a link to customer detail on product page


  • #DEVPO-2600 - Fix invitation
  • #DEVPO-2735 - UI: Fix response for go-live-request of manual credential exchange
  • #DEVPO-2739 - Fix performance issue for a large number of bundles
  • #DEVPO-2180 - Fix enums as strings into database
  • #DEVPO-2775 - UI: Set aggregated bundle status
  • #DEVPO-2776 - UI: Fix overlay for new accesses creation
  • #DEVPO-2783 - UI: Fix error message and button for add product to app


  • #DEVPO-2685 - Update dependencies and spring-boot to 3.2.0
  • #DEVPO-2804 - Fix CVE for logback-core

[FE-1.0.0-1961 / BE-1.1.0-2769] - 2023-11-17 (PREP)/2023-11-20 (Prod)

General Comments

The credential management feature was implemented and plans can be created.


  • #DEVPO-2420 - Manage access definition for provider organisation
  • #DEVPO-2538 - UI: Add access definition view to provider organisation
  • #DEVPO-2542 - Assign access definitions to products
  • #DEVPO-2561 - UI: Add authentication tab to products
  • #DEVPO-2469 - Add accesses to a bundle
  • #DEVPO-2060 - UI: Integrate access-key component (generation) into go-live-request
  • #DEVPO-2423 - Manage access status for bundles
  • #DEVPO-2468 - UI: Add bundle access status
  • #DEVPO-2602 - UI: Add credential tab to bundles
  • #DEVPO-2593 - UI: Manage credentials on credential tab
  • #DEVPO-2531 - Send email notifications for access status changes
  • #DEVPO-2614 - Manage plans for products
    • GET /plans/{planId} | Get plan details
    • PATCH /plans/{planId} | Update plan details
    • POST /plans/{productId} | Create a plan
    • GET /products/{productId}/plans | Get product plans
  • #DEVPO-2623 - UI: Add plans to products on marketplace


  • #DEVPO-2533 - Remove old files and folder code


  • #DEVPO-2365 - Fix multiple user invitation to organization
  • #DEVPO-2587 - Fix font size for dashboards
  • #DEVPO-2666 - Fix dashboard bundle link
  • #DEVPO-2668 - Fix product route for consumer


  • #DEVPO-2502 - Switched to new up-to-date faker library

[FE-1.0.0-1815 / BE-1.1.0-2640] - 2023-10-04 (PREP)/2023-10-05 (Prod)

General Comments

Update creation process and enable draft status for new APIs/products.


  • #DEVPO-2303 - Add caching to files and folder service
  • #DEVPO-2507 - Add sort option to files and folders
  • #DEVPO-2513 - Add draft status to APIs/products
  • #DEVPO-2537 - Add new menu item for organization


  • #DEVPO-1894 - Update dashboards for consumer and provider
  • #DEVPO-2191 - Optimize error handling for path parameter
  • #DEVPO-2516 - UI: Update creation process for new APIs/products
  • #DEVPO-2527 - UI: Switch to new create organization endpoint
  • #DEVPO-2562 - UI: Refactor product lists


  • #DEVPO-2571 - UI: Fix member and team count refresh
  • #DEVPO-2596 - Update sender e-mail address for notification mails


  • #DEVPO-2570 - Enable PKCE for authorization code grant flow

[FE-1.0.0-1771 / BE-1.0.0-2590] - 2023-09-18 (PREP)/2023-09-19 (Prod)

General Comments

Add XS2A-Newsletter feature for wallis.de to wallis-console-backend and minor amendments.


  • #DEVPO-1552 - Add XS2A-Newsletter
    • PUT /newsletter/xs2a | Subscribe to XS2A newsletter for wallis.de web-page


  • #DEVPO-2532 - Validation exception response is returned formatted


  • #DEVPO-2519 - Fix create organization for unique organization name
  • #DEVPO-2553 - UI: Fix product icon without color


  • none

[FE-1.0.0-1764 / BE-1.0.0-2561] - 2023-09-07 (PREP)/2023-09-12 (Prod)

General Comments

Changed from access token to refresh token method for new technical user and add last created view for documents.


  • #DEVPO-2235 - Add refresh token for technical user
    • POST /technicalUsers#2 | Create technical user with refresh token (Version 2)
  • #DEVPO-2483 - UI: Add last created view for documents
  • #DEVPO-2491 - Add content type check for file extensions


  • #DEVPO-2209 - UI: Change access token to refresh token for technical User


  • #DEVPO-2185 - UI: Fix trailing slashes for API calls
  • #DEVPO-2392 - Fix create file exchange after bundle creation
  • #DEVPO-2497 - UI: Fix dropdown for organizations
  • #DEVPO-2498 - UI: Fix clickable for organization type


  • #DEVPO-2467 - Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.1.2

[FE-1.0.0-1689 / BE-0.4.0-2504] - 2023-08-10 (PREP)/2023-08-24 (Prod)

General Comments

Launch new file service and update the files and folders API. Upgrade API to Spring Boot 3 and update various packages. Launch new Frontend Version in Vue 3.


  • #DEVPO-2017 - UI: Launch new frontend version in vue 3
  • #DEVPO-2302 - UI: Add new files and folder UI
  • #DEVPO-1940 - UI: Add Downloads-Tab for products
  • #DEVPO-2235 - Add new file service
    • GET /organizations/file-exchange/files/{fileId} | Get a file for an organization
    • DELETE /organizations/file-exchange/files/{fileId} | Delete a file for an organization
    • PATCH /organizations/file-exchange/files/{fileId} | Update a file for an organization
    • GET /organizations/file-exchange/files/{fileId}/content | Get contents of a file for an organization
    • POST /organizations/file-exchange/folders | Create a folder for an organization
    • DELETE /organizations/file-exchange/folders/{folderId} | Delete a folder for an organization
    • PATCH /organizations/file-exchange/folders/{folderId} | Update a folder for an organization
    • POST /organizations/file-exchange/folders/{folderId}/files | Upload files to a folder for an organization
    • GET /organizations/{organizationId}/file-exchange | Get the complete file and folder tree for an organization
    • GET /products/documentations/files/{fileId} | Get a file for a product
    • DELETE /products/documentations/files/{fileId} | Delete a file for a product
    • PATCH /products/documentations/files/{fileId} | Update a file for a product
    • GET /products/documentations/files/{fileId}/content | Get contents of a file for a product
    • POST /products/documentations/folders | Create a folder for a product
    • DELETE /products/documentations/folders/{folderId} | Delete a folder for a product
    • PATCH /products/documentations/folders/{folderId} | Update a folder for a product
    • POST /products/documentations/folders/{folderId}/files | Upload files to a folder for a product
    • GET /products/{productId}/documentations | Get the complete file and folder tree for a product
  • #DEVPO-2307 - Add exception handling for new file service
  • #DEVPO-2211 - Add dedicated error message if invitation could not be found
  • #DEVPO-2456 - Add alphabetical sorting to files in a folder
  • #DEVPO-2385 - Add email notification when invited to a private product


  • #DEVPO-1701 - Change Swagger conf, show only current api endpoint
  • #DEVPO-2310 - Change team responsibility
    • removed permissions for products under organizations
  • #DEVPO-1640 - Updated password policies


  • #DEVPO-2184 - Fix endpoints with trailing slash not reachable
  • #DEVPO-2165 - Fix reply-to field in emails
  • #DEVPO-2162 - Fix personal part in emails
  • #DEVPO-2297 - Fix file upload for docx and xlsx
  • #DEVPO-2370 - Fix min length for certain fields
  • #DEVPO-2409 - Fix spelling errors


  • #DEVPO-1926 - Upgrade to Spring Boot 3

[FE-1.0.0-1442 / BE-0.4.0-2089] - 2023-04-17 (PREP)/2023-04-18 (Prod)

General Comments

Fixing issues to set application stage in PREP and PROD environment for mail routing.


  • #DEVPO-2132 - Update API error handling (internationalization)


  • #DEVPO-2179 - Mail routing from wallis.de / set stage parameter for prep and prod
  • #DEVPO-2136 - Prefix (stage) in e-mail subject -> see #DEVPO-2179


  • #DEVPO-1986 - Removed migration for products without default plans

[FE-1.0.0-1442 / BE-0.4.0-2069] - 2023-04-03 (PREP)/2023-04-05 (Prod)

General Comments

The API has an improved error handling and messaging.


  • #DEVPO-2131 Implementation backend error handling



  • #DEVPO-2115 - App sorting: "Zuletzt hinzugefügt" incorrect in the UI
  • #DEVPO-2126 - Bundle can be edited even when not in DRAFT status
  • #DEVPO-2127 - Approved app is displayed on app detail as "confirmed"
  • #DEVPO-2120 - Text input when deleting directories
  • #DEVPO-2135 - Pending user delete modal remains in loading status
  • #DEVPO-2137 - Link to invite a user leads to a 404er error

[FE-1.0.0-1423 / BE-0.4.0-2045] - 2023-03-21 (PREP)

General Comments

A provider administrator or technical provider user is able to update the go-live-request (IN_PROGRESS, APPROVED, REJECTED). The whole go-live-process is now implemented for consumer and provider.


  • #DEVPO-1808 - A provider admin/technical user is able to update (IN_PROGRESS, APPROVED, REJECTED) a requested bundle
    • POST bundles/bundleId/approval


  • #DEVPO-1808 - Go-live-request API-endpoint changed
    • OLD: POST bundles/bundleId/approvals
    • NEW: POST bundles/bundleId/request
  • #DEVPO-2031 - Add deeplink to approval e-mails for provider
  • #DEVPO-2075 - Add filter "organizationId" to bundle-API
    • GET bundles/


  • #DEVPO-2057 - Product icons with unknown color are not shown
  • #DEVPO-2103 - Wrong sorting (last added) of Apps (asc->desc)
  • #DEVPO-2012 - E-Mail content adjusted and consumer organisation added
  • #DEVPO-2054 - Duplicate rows in contact table while requesting a new bundle
  • #DEVPO-2055 - Null pointer exception in bundle patch for an empty attribute (name)
    • PATCH /bundles/bundleId
  • #DEVPO-2059 - BundleId is in path and body required
    • POST /bundles/{bundleId}/request (bundleId is removed from body)
  • #DEVPO-2066 - Mismatch of attribute length (e.g. bundle name) between frontend and backend-API
  • #DEVPO-2070 - Remove a product from bundle - bad request (400)

[FE-1.0.0-1392 / BE-0.4.0-1990] - 2023-02-14 (PREP)

General Comments

The main focus of this version was the creation of the go-live-request which was triggered by a consumer administrator. A technical user of a provider organization is now able to get the requested bundles via API.


  • #DEVPO-1784 - A consumer admin is able to create a Go-Live-Request
    • POST /bundles/bundleId/approvals
  • #DEVPO-1927 - A provider admin is able to get new requested bundles via API
    • GET /bundles
  • #DEVPO-1785 - E-Mail service is extended by approval notifications


  • #DEVPO-2023 - App search moved to backend API
  • #DEVPO-1299 - Team responsibilities moved from json to data base tables
  • #DEVPO-1988 - Add filter to backend bundle API
    • /bundles


  • #DEVPO-2036 - Refresh after product update
  • #DEVPO-2064 - Display description of complex names when updating Apps
  • #DEVPO-2063 - Display long names on App detail page
  • #DEVPO-2067 - Consistent naming of provider
  • #DEVPO-2068 - Click and scroll behavior on App overview
  • #DEVPO-1980 - Used product in bundle could not be deleted
  • #DEVPO-1981 - Create bundle, no permission for product
  • #DEVPO-2025 - Duplicates in bundle response

[FE-1.0.0-1347 / BE-0.4.0-1941] - 2023-02-06 (PROD)

General Comments

This version is the starting point for our new changelog.

Changelog Explanation


... what's coming next?

General Comments

... for general hints and comments


... for new features


... for changes in existing functionality


... for any bug fixes


... for soon-to-be removed features


... for now removed features


... in case of vulnerabilities

All relevant changes to this product will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.